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Challenge 6: Automation

Store Automation


Improve operational efficiency and minimize manual workload by implementing automation solutions that can assist with store manual processes.​


Leverage LLM function-calling mechanisms to automate repetitive in-store tasks, improving accuracy, reducing labor-intensive efforts, and streamlining overall operations to achieve increased productivity.​


Create a task automation feature to replace one current manual store process. Be creative!

The Home Automation challege provides a good fundation of this challenge. You can start with its code and find a new idea that might help with any store operations.


More things to think about

  • Consider using Sementic Kernal framework
  • Best way to trigger the automation workflow (time trigger or events)

Basic Solution

Code snippet for above challenge
Don't Look! Have you tried to solve it yourself?
Your solution will be better than our sample answer!

The basic solution is provided below. Feel free to expand on it to make it more interesting!

const { OpenAIClient, AzureKeyCredential } = require("@azure/openai");
const prompt = require("prompt-sync")({ sigint: true });

async function main() {
let livinRoomLight = "off";
let bedroomLight = "off";
let kitchenLight = "off";

const client = new OpenAIClient(
new AzureKeyCredential("<API_KEY>")

const deploymentId = "completions";
console.log("The chatbot is ready. Type 'exit' to quit.");

const getLightStatus = {
name: "get_light_status",
description: "Retrieves the status of a light",
parameters: {
type: "object",
properties: {
roomName: {
type: "string",
description: "The room where the light is located",
required: ["roomName"],

const setLightStatus = {
name: "set_light_status",
description: "Sets the status of a light",
parameters: {
type: "object",
properties: {
roomName: {
type: "string",
description: "The room where the light is located",
status: {
type: "string",
description: "The status of the light",
required: ["roomName", "status"],

const options = {
tools: [
type: "function",
function: getLightStatus,
type: "function",
function: setLightStatus,

function applyToolCall({ function: call, id }) {
if ( === "get_light_status") {
const { room_name } = JSON.parse(call.arguments);
let status = "off";
if (room_name === "Living Room") {
status = livinRoomLight;
} else if (room_name === "Bedroom") {
status = bedroomLight;
} else if (room_name === "Kitchen") {
status = kitchenLight;

return {
role: "tool",
content: status,
toolCallId: id,
} else if ( === "set_light_status") {
const { room_name, status } = JSON.parse(call.arguments);
if (room_name === "Living Room") {
livinRoomLight = status;
} else if (room_name === "Bedroom") {
bedroomLight = status;
} else if (room_name === "Kitchen") {
kitchenLight = status;

return {
role: "tool",
content: "ok",
toolCallId: id,

throw new Error(`Unknown tool call: ${}`);

while (true) {
var userInput = prompt("User:");
if (userInput === "exit") {

const chatResponse = await client.getChatCompletions(
role: "system",
"You are a home assistant that can control lights at home. The available lights are Living Room Light`, `Bedroom Light`, and `Kitchen Light. Before changing the lights, you may need to check their current state. Avoid telling the user numbers like the saturation, brightness,and hue; instead, use adjectives like 'bright' or 'dark'.",
{ role: "user", content: userInput },

// console.log(chatResponse.choices);
for (const choice of chatResponse.choices) {
const responseMessage = choice.message;
if (responseMessage?.role === "assistant") {
const requestedToolCalls = responseMessage?.toolCalls;
if (requestedToolCalls?.length) {
const toolCallResolutionMessages = [

const result = await client.getChatCompletions(

} else {

main().catch((err) => {
console.error("The sample encountered an error:", err);